Lost Ark Tips Guide – 6 Things the Game Doesn’t Tell You

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Lost Ark tips

Many players will hop on Lost Ark to play it, just like every other RPG game. After all, it’s one of the others. You’ll get hit by some surprises if you approach Lost Ark from that angle. The game has some unique features you won’t find elsewhere.

To assist you, we have compiled 6 things you were probably never told and may never be told before playing Lost Ark. Furthermore; we recommend you arm yourself with the Lost Ark ESP hack to help you get past difficulties in the game.

6 Things Lost Ark Doesn’t Tell You

1. Some Boxes Aren’t Meant to Be Broken

RPG games will always have boxes scattered around the map at different locations. Some RPG games have all their boxes containing items, but that’s not the case with Lost Ark. You’ll hit some boxes in the game, and they won’t burst open. The only boxes in Lost Ark that you’ll be able to break are those that contain items you were asked to retrieve during the quest.

2. Some Potions Are Not for Early Hours

Having all of those potions in your possession at the beginning of the game doesn’t mean you need to use them then. At least, there are some that you shouldn’t use. They’ll serve you best towards the end of the game and when you’ll be up against bosses.

The kind of potions you should use – if you must – are the ones that gradually heal you for some seconds. Potions with percentages should be reserved for raids and bosses.

3. Those Early Kills Are Almost Pointless

Lost Ark doesn’t need you to go about killing Mobs in the game. Your focus should be on completing the quests in the game. If you think you’ll get XPs for the enemies you kill, the number of XPs you’ll get for your kills is insignificant – imagine a measly 2 XP for each kill.

If you must kill, it should be the bosses; they reward you better. Better still, kill enemies the quest requires you to take down or any other enemy that poses a threat.

4. You Can Customize Your Character

Some players are oblivious of this tip. We don’t mean changing skins or skin color when we hinted at customization. Lost Ark allows you to go the extra mile of changing a game character’s name.

You’ll need to purchase a Name Change Ticket with real money to do this. You can also buy an Appearance Customization Ticket to alter your character’s appearance.

5. Hard Difficulty Levels Are Not Needed in Solo Games

While on your main quest, you’ll find yourself playing in different types of dungeons as you advance towards level 50. You can switch your difficulty level to be harder or easier in-game. Setting your difficulty levels can help you get bigger rewards at the completion of the quest.

However, this isn’t very welcome in solo games. Just allow your game difficulty to stay at Normal while you’re playing in dungeons. This is because you’ll easily come across better gear, eliminating the need for a higher difficulty level.

6. You Can Unlock the Selfie Mode

Lost Ark comes with a Selfie mode. Just so you know, you have to unlock this mode – yes, it’s not free. You’ll need to progress up to the Savior Quest and complete it to unlock the Selfie Mode. The selfie mode allows you to capture in-game scenes that you’d like to keep on your phone.

We’re sure you’d fancy having one of those fine Lost Ark in-game scenes as your phone’s wallpaper. Once you have unlocked the Selfie mode, you can access it by clicking on its icon at the top right of your screen, just below the minimap.


You can now get on the game and make fewer mistakes than you would have made before reading this article. You’ll also learn other things as you advance in the game. An important thing you should always have at the back of your mind is that your Quest comes first.

We have discussed how you can unlock and access the Selfie mode available on Lost Ark. Moreover, you can use it to change your character’s name and appearance. This will give you the rare chance of customizing your experience as you explore the land of Arkesia.